For the second half of the course you will need additional software installed:

  • The CLion integrated development environment (IDE), which provides a graphical user interface for editing, building, running, and debugging your programs

  • A C and C++ toolchain (compilers and associated tools), which CLion will use to build your programs

JetBrains Student Registration

To use CLion, you will need to register for a student JetBrains account on the JetBrains web site. You should receive an email that you will need to setup CLion later in this process.

Software Setup

Setup instructions vary by platform:

Windows Setup

You will need to download two packages first:

Because CLion depends on MinGW-w64 to compile programs, it’s best if you install MinGW-w64 before you run CLion for first time, as that will allow CLion to detect MinGW-w64 and configure itself properly. Here are the steps:

  1. Run the MinGW-SDL2.exe installer and follow the prompts to install MinGW-w64. You should usually install it to C:\MinGW, but wherever you install it, take note, as you will have to configure CLion to find it later.

  2. Follow the instructions in the registration email from JetBrains to activate your account.

  3. Run the CLion installer. Most defaults should be fine, but you should check all of the “Create associations” boxes when they appear.

    Set the toolchain in CLion to the location where you installed MinGW-w64. The directory (folder) you select should contain subdirectories with names like bin and lib.

    If you get a warning from CLion that it’s incompatible with the version of MinGW-w64 that you have, you can safely ignore it.

Mac OS Setup

You need to download one package first:

Here are the setup steps:

  1. Ensure you have the Mac OS command line developer tools installed:

    % xcode-select --install

    If you’ve done this already then you will get an error message to that effect, which you can safely ignore.

  2. Follow the instructions in the registration email from JetBrains to activate your account.

  3. Run the CLion installer—the defaults should be fine.

Linux, etc.

Make sure you have working toolchains for C11 and C++14 installed. Then download and install the CLion installer.